[egenix-users] mx.DateTime bogus warning: "float where int expected"

M.-A. Lemburg mal at lemburg.com
Wed Sep 17 21:01:58 CEST 2003

Jim Vickroy wrote:
> I do not have an explanation, but the statement:
>         dt = self.firstdate + self.mm * int(i)
> appears to be the source of this warning.  The warning only appears the first
> time the statement is executed; thereafter, no warning is issued.

Right, that's a Python feature.

The cause of the problem seems to be that DateTime() constructor
expects integers as argument and that the code in RelativeDateTime
can generate floats as a result of refitting the values into proper

Try adding this snippet in DateTime.py before line 585:

             # Refit into proper ranges:
             if month < 1 or month > 12:
                 month = month - 1
                 yeardelta, monthdelta = divmod(month, 12)
                 year = year + yeardelta
                 month = monthdelta + 1

             # Make sure we have integers
             year = int(year)
             month = int(month)
             day = int(day)

             if self.weekday is None:
                 return DateTime(year, month, 1) + \

> python at sarcastic-horse.com wrote:
>>I'm getting a "DeprecationWarning: integer argument expected, got float"
>>warning with mx.DateTime and I can't figure out why.  Can anyone help me
>>This code:
>>import mx.DateTime
>>class xLabeller:
>>    def __init__(self, firstdate,fmt='%B, %Y'):
>>        self.firstdate = firstdate
>>        self.fmt = fmt
>>        self.mm = mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(months=1)
>>    def __call__(self, i):
>>        dt = self.firstdate + self.mm * int(i)
>>        return dt.Format(self.fmt)
>>nov99 = mx.DateTime.Date(int(1999), int(11))
>>xl = xLabeller(nov99)
>>print "xl2:"
>>print xl(int(3))
>>Produces this warning:
>>>>>================================ RESTART ===========
>>DeprecationWarning: integer argument expected, got float
>>  return DateTime(year, month, 1) + \
>>February, 2000
>>What is the story?  I've wrapped every number in my program with int().  I
>>can't figure out what's triggering the warning.
>>And, even stranger, the whole thing works fine at the python shell:
>>>>>import mx.DateTime
>>>>>mm = mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(months=1)
>><DateTime object for '1999-11-01 00:00:00.00' at 98dc20>
>>>>>dt = nov99 + mm * 3
>>>>>dt.Format('%b, %y')
>>'Feb, 00'
>>What am I doing wrong?
>>Thanks for the help.
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Marc-Andre Lemburg

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