[egenix-users] Inserting empty strings into SQL Server tables via mx.ODBC

Charles Bearden Charles.F.Bearden at uth.tmc.edu
Mon Aug 9 12:18:30 CEST 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: M.-A. Lemburg [mailto:mal at egenix.com]
> Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 11:16 AM
> Charles Bearden wrote:
> > I'm using mx-commercial-2.0.6, iODBC 3.51.2, and FreeTDS
> > on RH9 to talk to an MS SQL Server 2000, and 'exec sp_dbcmptlevel
> > @dbname=<dbname>' returns '80' for the databases on the SQL Server.
> >
> > I am trying to avoid NULLs in my columns and am finding that the
> > string works as a substitute for almost all cases where I would have
> > used a NULL in the past.  However, when I pass empty strings as
> > in the tuple second argument to the execute method (e.g.
> > 'cu.execute(stmnt, tpl)'), the following exception is raised:
> Have you tried the same thing on Windows using the MS SQL Server
> ODBC driver ?

Good question.  I haven't, and I will.
Thanks, Chuck

> This is likely a problem with FreeTDS - mxODBC certainly doesn't
> have problems with empty string :-)

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