[egenix-users] Conflicts when installing egenix-mx-base-2.0.5-py1.5_1.i386.rpm

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Tue Jan 6 18:07:00 CET 2004

John Hawley, Jr wrote:
> In reference to my previous thread.
> When installing the egenix-mx-base-2.0.5-py1.5_1.i386.rpm should I use:
> Rpm -nodeps or rpm -force to make the newer version of mx install w/out
> conflicts from the older mx version.  If so will this affect other items
> (i.e. unixODBC, postgresql-python).  Also I assume the mx-base-2.0.5 is
> the newer version or my installed mx-2.0.3-1 and the older version will
> be overwritten when installing mx-base2.0.5.

AFAIK, the Redhat mx-2.0.3-1 is the same as the original
egenix-mx-base-2.0.3 package. Version 2.0.5 is fully backwards
compatible so you shouldn't run into any problems.

The only thing to watch out for is that the version you are overwriting
was built for the same Python version as used by the eGenix RPM. I know
that Redhat switched to Python versions built with --enable-unicode=ucs4
some time ago which would then result in problems with the eGenix RPMs
since these are built against Python built with the default UCS2 Unicode
configuration setting.

If that's the case for your installation, then you'd either have to
build the package from source or ask Redhat for an updated package.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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