[egenix-users] RelativeDateTime

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Thu Jan 15 12:02:19 CET 2004

Francois Girault wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm working on an application that make an intensive uses of RelativeDateTime.
> I have read the manual and have seen this tragic note :
> "Note that dates like Date(1999,1,30) + RelativeDateTime(months=+1) are not supported. The package currently interprets these constructions as Date(1999,2,1) + 30, thus giving the 1999-03-02 which may not be what you'd expect."
> well, it's no what i expect :/, especially while manipulating medical related data that *must* be perfectly correct... This is an imperative need for the project I'm working on.

Question is: what is perfectly correct ?

I think that the only true solution would be to raise an exception,
but I'm open to more useful options. (I'm not a particular fan of
the current situation either.)

> So my question is : 
> Is there any plan to fix that ? If any, when ?
> If not, as a python developper, how can I contribute and add the missing features ?

You can contribute a patch, but you would have place that patch
into the public domain.

> Or can egenix consulting services do that ? What about the price ?

eGenix will implement changes at customer request to build
customized versions.

Whether or not these changes will go into the open source
packages is a question of whether the changes break
compatibility or not.

The Unicode support in mxTextTools 2.1 is an example of where
we have integrated the changes requested by a customer back
into the open source version.

> Another request about RelativeDateTime : adding the __cmp__ method. I think it's easy and useful to add. I can do that if nobody want to (or need to). Are patches welcome to mxBase ?

Yes, but please put them into the public domain. We don't
want to start long discussions about who own the IP, licenses,

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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