[egenix-users] Installation woes

todd todd at flemingcnc.com
Wed Mar 31 11:08:58 CEST 2004

First my configuration:
  Windows XP
  Zope 2.7.0
  Zope installation directory is C:\Program Files\Zope-2.7.0
  Instance directory is C:\Zope

Zope on my system is a fresh install, not an upgrade. I didn't install the
instance as a service; I use runzope.bat

The files I downloaded:
 Zope-2.7.0-win32.exe (from zope.org)
 egenix-mxodbc-zopeda-1.0.8.win32-py2.3.zip (from egenix)

The first problem I ran into is conflicting installation instructions.

http://www.egenix.com/files/python/mxODBC-Zope-DA.html says this:
3.  Unzip the distribution in the Zope Instance's home directory (i.e. where
you find the Zope's lib/, bin/, etc. directories).

The email sent with my commercial license says this:
* Unzip the binary distribution of the package in the Zope
 installation's home directory (ie. where you find the Zope's
 lib/, bin/, etc. directories).

Ok, where should I put it? The installation directory or the instance
directory? Why do the instructions call these "home" directories? home
directories, under both UNIX and Windows, refer to user directories, not
product directories.

Try 1
I first extracted the distribution into Zope's installation directory, but ran
into trouble with this instruction:

5. Change to the first license key subdirectory and copy the two files
"license.py" and "license.txt" to the following directory in your Zope
Instance installation:

    (Zope Instance Directory)/lib/python/mx/ODBC

This directory didn't exist so I made it (C:\Zope\lib\python\mx\ODBC) and put
the 2 files there.

eGenix mxODBC Zope DA: trying Windows interface... failed: initialization of
module mxODBC failed (mx.ODBC.Windows.LicenseError:mx.ODBC.license could not
be loaded; please visit the http://www.egenix.com/ web-site to obtain a
license file or write to licenses at egenix.com for information.)

Try 2
I removed the Zope installation and instance folders and reinstalled from
scratch. I extracted the adaptor distribution into my instance directory
(c:\Zope). I then started the instance without installing the license files.
It started up with no errors; uh-oh, it must not be loading the adaptor. I
shut it down, copied the license files to C:\Zope\lib\python\mx\ODBC, and

I went into the management interface. "egenix mxODBC Database Connection" was
NOT in the drop-down box for add.

Try 3
I shutdown the instance and extracted the adaptor distribution into C:\Program
Files\Zope-2.7.0 . ***It is now extracted into both the installation and
instance directories***

2004-03-31T14:44:03 INFO(0) Zope New disk product detected, determining if we
need to fix up any ZClasses.

Woohoo! It might be working!

"egenix mxODBC Database Connection" is now in the drop-down list.

1. The installation instructions in
http://www.egenix.com/files/python/mxODBC-Zope-DA.html and the license email
2. Neither set of installation instructions work; I had to unzip the
distribution into both the installation and instance directories.

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