[egenix-users] mxODBC on x86_64 - strange integer conversions

enrico.sirola at gmail.com enrico.sirola at gmail.com
Tue Dec 6 16:58:09 CET 2005

Hi Marc-Andre,

>>>>> "Marc-Andre" == M -A Lemburg <mal at egenix.com> writes:

    Marc-Andre> enrico.sirola at gmail.com wrote:
    >> Hello, I'm trying to use mxODBC on an x86_64, with unixODBC
    >> 2.2.12 and easysoft's odbc-odbc bridge client to connect to a
    >> MS SQL Server with python. The version of mxODBC I'm using is
    >> 2.0.7, and I get weird results from the select queries on
    >> integer fields (i.e. huge numbers), while isql works quite
    >> nicely. This seems related to the int/long size differences on
    >> the x86_64 platform (the 1st being 4, the 2nd 8).
    Marc-Andre> Right: unfortunately, ODBC 3.52 introduced an
    Marc-Andre> incompatible change in the way certain lengths are
    Marc-Andre> handled which show up on 64-bit platforms.
    Marc-Andre> Version 2.0.x of mxODBC is not 64-bit ODBC
    Marc-Andre> compatible. However, we do have a version 2.1 of
    Marc-Andre> mxODBC which is 64-bit compatible (this is the version
    Marc-Andre> used in our mxODBC Zope DA product).
    Marc-Andre> If you want to give it a try, we can send you the
    Marc-Andre> download link for the binary and an evaluation copy.

I would be interested in trying an evaluation copy, even if I don't
use the Zope adapter. Can you please send me a copy/evaluation
license? Btw, are you going to release the new mxODBC to the public,
like you did with the 2.* versions?

    >> I digged a bit the code, and it seems the following patch
    >> solves the problem (anyway I didn't have the time to test it
    >> very well) (apply it from the root of egenix-commercial with
    >> patch -p0).  Please let me know your thoughts.
    Marc-Andre> Thanks, but this is not a complete patch set - it's
    Marc-Andre> likely that you'll get core dumps or at least wrong
    Marc-Andre> results with this minimal set of changes.

Hmmm it seems you confirm my suspects :-)
Ok thanks a lot,

Enrico Sirola <enrico.sirola at gmail.com>

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