[egenix-users] Zope, MySQL, UTF-8

Jan Stiller Jan.Stiller at hagen-partner.de
Mon Feb 14 15:41:33 CET 2005


First of all, my environment:

MySQL 4.1,
mxODBC 2.1.0 (downloaded a few day ago),
Zope 2.7.4-0,
python 2.3.4

+ the Zope DA

I need to store Czech or Asian inputs from HTML input fields; is there 
any step by step introduction to this 'problem' (or a RTFM-answer with 
pointers to TFM)?

My situation:

When I use phpMyAdmin with MySQL everything works fine (even with 
Japanese ;o). Inserting the same characters (for testing +ěščřžýáíéäöü 
-- '1'-'0' on the czech keyboad + german umlauts), via python and 
mxODBC, phpMyAdmin shows:

1, '+ěšÄ?řžýáíéäöü'

This looks like dumped utf-8 to me.

My settings are:
con = od.Connect(dsn='myodbc',user='root',password='pwd')
con.encoding = 'utf-8'
#con.stringformat = od.MIXED_STRINGFORMAT

c = con.cursor()
c.execute("update test set textfeld = '%s' where id = 1" % 
c.execute('select id, textfeld from test order by id limit 2')

additionally I set:
# Set the string encoding used by the Unicode implementation. The
# default is 'ascii', but if you're willing to experiment, you can
# change this.
encoding = "ascii" # Default value set by _PyUnicode_Init()
#js, 11.2.2005
encoding = 'utf8'

in site.py.

I also tried a HTML-Page with a submit to a Zope SQL-Method with the 
same effect - garbage...

Since the docu says, that unicode is fully supported, I hope that this 
will be possible in Zope too.

If I overlooked something in the fine manuals, please send me a pointer.


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