[egenix-users] Zope, MySQL, UTF-8

Jan Stiller Jan.Stiller at hagen-partner.de
Mon Feb 14 17:34:05 CET 2005

Charlie Clark wrote:

>On 2005-02-14 at 16:37:27 [+0100], Jan Stiller 
><Jan.Stiller at hagen-partner.de> wrote:
>>Hi Charlie
>>asking for help obviously liberated my brain ;o)
>><dtml-var sql_delimiter>
>>update test
>>set textfeld = <dtml-sqlvar text type=string>
>>where tid = 1
>>seems to work... and Zope (or whoever) seems to remember this between
>>different calls (I commented set char... out).
>>Is there any 'official' place to set the character set?
>>Do you have a small example for an external method? (I need some batch
>>processing too)
>The external method just receives an mxODBCZopeDA connection object and 
>calls its .execute(code, (paras)) method as if it were written in Python. I 
>posted an example on the Zope-DB list last year.
>ah here it is:
>3) Use an external Method. This has the advantage of being much finer 
>conrtol than allowing all PythonScripts to do something but done properly 
>nearly as flexible.
>Create a file in ~/Extensions say ODBC_SQL.py
>This is essentially needs only one function:
>def callSQL(connectionObject, statement):
>	conn = connectionObject.database_connection()
>	return conn.execute(statement)
>Create an external method say SQL which points to callSQL in ODBC_SQL
>You can then call this method from any PythonScript and simply pass it the 
>connection and statement you want to execute.
>In your case the PythonScript needs only to be modified slightly, depending 
>on what you want to.
>statement = """select [Building ID] from [Buildings]
> where [Building Name] = ?""", building)[1]
>columns, results = context.SQL(container.crc_db, statement)
>Hope that helps
Thanks indeed

We have many many ZSQLs and we wouldn't like to rewrite all their 
callees - your (btw fine) product surely has one single place, where 
connections are made. Is it possible to make a 'SET CHARACTER SET'-call 
right after the creation of the connection or do I have to repeat this 
every time?

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