[egenix-users] Initial Install - Error 'vars not set'

Charlie Clark charlie at egenix.com
Fri Jun 9 18:30:17 CEST 2006

Nick Albright wrote:
>   Hello again!
>   I've got some more debug data.  I've got output form the ODBC trace as
> well, but I can't make much out, other than I see that the that the select
> statement is making it through.
>> -----Begin Error-----
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "tmp/sql_test.py", line 35, in ?
>>     data = curs.fetchone()
>> mxODBC.InterfaceError: mxODBCursor_Fetch called, but vars not set
>> -----Begin Error-----

Works fine here:

 >>> c.execute("SELECT count(*) AS c FROM person")
 >>> c.fetchone()

Can you please try this using something other than FreeTDS. We find it 
it is responsible for lots of errors.


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