[egenix-users] Initial Install - Error 'vars not set'

Nick Albright nick.albright at v-space.org
Fri Jun 9 16:46:42 CEST 2006

On Fri, 9 Jun 2006, Charlie Clark wrote:

> > > Can you please try this using something other than FreeTDS. We find it
> > > it is responsible for lots of errors.
> >
> >   Yeah, be glad to!  Any recommendations/suggestions?
> We normally recommend the openlink products. You can try them for free.
> http.//www.openlinksw.com

  Well, finally finished configuring/installing the openlink drivers, but
get the same error:

-----Begin Error-----
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./sql_test.py", line 35, in ?
    data = curs.fetchone()
mxODBC.InterfaceError: mxODBCursor_Fetch called, but vars not set
-----End Error-----

  With this in the debug log:

-----Begin mxODBC.log-----
--- New Log Session --- Fri Jun  9 15:35:14 2006

Importing the mx.DateTime C API...
 mx.DateTime package found
 API object mxDateTimeAPI found
 API object loaded and initialized.
initmxODBC: Initializing ODBC API environment
initmxODBC:  henv=0x522f00
mxODBC_New: server='MSSQL', uid='USER', passwd='PASS', clearAC=1
mxODBC_InitConnection(0x2a955dd7b0):  bindmethod=1,
have_SQLDescribeParam=1, get
data_extensions=0x2a00000007, txn_capable=2
mxODBC_New: created new connection at 0x2a955dd7b0hdbc=0x5720a0
mxODBCursor_New: created new cursor '<no name>' at 0x2a955d0fa8,
mxODBCursor_FreeVars: called for cursor at 0x2a955d0fa8
mxODBCursor_FreeVars: nothing to do
mxODBCursor_Execute: using direct execute for statement 'SELECT COUNT(*)
OM items'
mxODBCursor_Execute: number of params in statement: 0
mxODBCursor_Execute: executing command without parameters
mxODBCursor_FreeVars: called for cursor at 0x2a955d0fa8
mxODBCursor_FreeVars: nothing to do
mxODBCursor_PrepareOutput: colcount=-1 rowcount=-1
mxODBCursor_Free: called for cursor at 0x2a955d0fa8
mxODBCursor_FreeVars: called for cursor at 0x2a955d0fa8
mxODBCursor_FreeVars: nothing to do
mxODBCursor_FreeParameters: called for cursor at 0x2a955d0fa8
mxODBCursor_Close: called for cursor at 0x2a955d0fa8, hstmt=0x587cb0
mxODBCursor_Close:   error cancelling; rc=1
mxODBCursor_Close:   stmt freed
mxODBC_Free: called for connection at 0x2a955dd7b0
mxODBC_Close: called for connection at 0x2a955dd7b0, closed=0
mxODBC_Close:  disconnect
mxODBC_Close:  free connection
-----End mxODBC.log-----

  But isql works:

-----Begin isql-----
$ isql  -v MSSQL USER PASS
| Connected!                            |
|                                       |
| sql-statement                         |
| help [tablename]                      |
| quit                                  |
|                                       |
SQL> select count(*) as c FROM items;
| c          |
| 3904       |
SQLRowCount returns -1
1 rows fetched
-----End isql-----


  Any other ideas?

  Thanks very much for your time,

"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."

        -- Albert Einstein

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