[egenix-users] Initial Install - Error 'vars not set'

Nick Albright nick.albright at v-space.org
Mon Jun 12 13:49:28 CEST 2006

On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 support at egenix.com wrote:

> On 2006-06-09 at 19:06:34 [+0200], Nick Albright
> <nick.albright at v-space.org> wrote:
> >   Once again thanks for all the help!  I had tested on this on a beta
> > setup on an old machine and it worked fine.  The only difference I can see
> > is that this is a 64 bit OS/arch?
> That is a significant difference. Can you please try using the mxODBC in

  Ahh. My apologies, thought the compiler would make it a non-issue.

> the mxODBCZopeDA as this contains mxODBC 2.1 and some fixes for the
> x86_64 architecture.

  That worked beautifully!  I get actual data returned!  :)  Turns out
the freetds returns wrong data, but I'll chalk that up to 64 bit and
freetds having issues.  The OpenLink driver works just fine though.  So
mission accomplished!

  So is there anyway to license just the 2.1 version of ODBC?  Or do I
need to license the whole Zope DA?

  Thanks *very* much for all your time and help!

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