[egenix-users] Zope shutdown after "Could not rollback the transaction" error

Nico Grubert nicogrubert at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 09:00:51 CET 2007

> In order to enable logging at the ODBC driver manager level,
> please follow these instructions:
> 1. edit the odbc.ini file that defines the data source
>    you are using (usually /etc/odbc.ini or ~/.odbc.ini)
> 2. add two trace options to the data source in question:
> [MyDataSourceName]
> Trace = On
> TraceFile = /tmp/odbc.log
> ...
> 3. restart Python and run a query on the connection
> You should then see the /tmp/odbc.log file fill up with
> ODBC call trace messages. Error messages from the ODBC
> driver should also appear in this file.
> In some cases you also have to edit the file
> /etc/odbcinst.ini (or ~/.odbcinst.ini) and add a section:
> [ODBC]
> Trace    = On
> TraceFile= /tmp/odbc.log

Dear Marc-Andre,

thank you for your fast reply.
I use unixODBC and I changed /etc/odbc.ini and /etc/odbcinst.ini.
according your instructions. I restarted my Zope Server but 
unfortunately there are is neither a /tmp/odbc.log file created nor are 
any messages written to this file after I have created it manually.


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