[egenix-users] Stored procedure call not happening

Peter Bengtsson peter at fry-it.com
Tue Mar 6 16:33:56 CET 2007

I've got a stored procedure called prcVisionTest which takes one
parameter. It looks like this::

  CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.prcVisionTest
  (@fullname as varchar(50), @returnMessage varchar(100) output)
  insert into appuser (fullname,datalocationid,departmentid) values
  set @returnMessage='Record updated'

I tried call it like this::

   >>> c.callproc("prcVisionTest", ["abc123"])
  >>> c.execute("select * from appuser where fullname='abc123'")
  >>> print c.fetchone()

We looked at some Profiler program for MS SQL which allegedly notices
all SQL coming in to the server and we found nothing.
Clearly the driver doesn't send the stored procedure call. Why?


PS. We use Linux 32-bit mxODBC version '2.1.0' over FreeTDS. DNS is
defined like this::

  Driver       = FreeTDS
  Description  = Connecting to VAUKLive_dev
  Trace        = No
  Server       =
  Database     = Vision_staff_profiles
  Pooling      = No

Peter Bengtsson,
work www.fry-it.com
home www.peterbe.com
hobby www.issuetrackerproduct.com

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