[egenix-users] Unexpected Behaviour of DateTimeFromTicks

Novin novin01 at gmail.com
Fri May 25 15:12:31 CEST 2007

I'm trying to round a date to the nearest hour. To do so I converted it to
a float using ticks(), rounded it then converted it back to a DateTime
using DateTimeFromTicks.

Unfortunately this didn't work as I expected on clock change days - see

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In [1]: import mx.DateTime

In [2]: mx.DateTime.__version__
Out[2]: '3.0.0'

In [3]: comdate = 35155.04167

In [4]: mxdate1 = mx.DateTime.DateTimeFromCOMDate(comdate)

In [5]: print mxdate1
1996-03-31 01:00:00.28

In [6]: mxdate2 = mx.DateTime.DateTimeFromTicks(mxdate1.ticks())

In [7]: mxdate1 == mxdate2
Out[7]: False

In [8]: print mxdate2
1996-03-31 00:00:00.28

Is this the expected behaviour? It seems a little un-intuitive to me!

NB: using .absvalues() and DateTimeFromAbsDateTime works as expected.

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