[egenix-users] Re: mx.ODBC buildout recipe

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Fri Nov 9 12:39:33 CET 2007

On 2007-11-09 11:58, Martijn Pieters wrote:
> On Nov 9, 2007 11:30 AM, M.-A. Lemburg <mal at egenix.com> wrote:
>>> The recipe now also installs the mx-base packages in the same place.
>> Thanks, Martijn. I'm sure other users of ZC buildout will appreciate
>> your work.
>> I had a brief look at the code: wouldn't it be better to use the
>> prebuilt packages for mx-base as well ?
> The code is far simpler for just building the source, and we're
> already building Zope and Varnish anyway.

Fair enough. Just thought it would make the buildout run faster.
Since have already decoded our URL scheme for packages,
reusing that code would be a breeze ;-)

>> Regarding Windows: if it makes things easier for you, we could
>> also build prebuilt archives for Windows. The installers are the
>> better approach for system administration purposes, but the
>> prebuilt archives would work just as well.
> I am not fussed about Windows that much, myself. If someone wants to
> use the buildout recipe targeting Windows, they may want to have that
> though. The recipe lives in a repository with a really low threshold
> to gaining write access, so it should be ease enough for someone else
> to add that at a later point. :-)

Ok, let me know if someone has a need. It's easy enough to
add this to our build system.

>> A lot of the code in the Recipe looks like boiler-plate code.
>> Doesn't buildout provide a base class for this ?
> zc.buildout is part agnostic; it keeps well out of what parts want to
> accomplish. For many recipes setuptools is the base library, or
> zc.recipe.egg.
> There are other recipe eggs I could reuse for the downloading part,
> but the code is simple enough and interoperates nicely with those
> other recipes in that it reuses the same download repository (which
> can be configured to be a directory shared by all buildouts).
> So on the whole, it's not really boilerplate at all; generally one
> uses more generic recipes which you then configure with entries in the
> buildout config. There is a CMMI (config, make, make install) recipe
> that you generally just give a URL, for example.

Doesn't it also have such a generic recipe for the usual Python
"python setup.py install" dance ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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