[egenix-users] encoding problem with mxODBC and zope
robert rottermann
robert at redcor.ch
Wed Nov 21 08:43:16 CET 2007
hi there,
I am having problems with mxODBC and zope.
this is the relevant line from the traceback
ProgrammingError: ('42000', 2403, "[unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL
Server]WARNING! Some character(s) could not be converted into client's
character set. Unconverted bytes were changed to question marks ('?').",
in zope I have told mxODBCZopeDA to ignore warnings. this makes no
we are using :
things work fine if I do not get all of the records from the MsSQL Server.
as soon as I try to get all I get the error.
Is there a way to have mxODBCZopeDA to log what it gets from the
What can I do to have mxODBCZopeDA not raising an error (so I have a
chance to see the bad record)?
Better yet, what can I do to fix the error?
the odbc.ini entry:
Description = adressen
Driver = TDS
Trace = yes
TraceFile = sql.log
Database = IntranetApplication
Servername = CHSRV26
UserName = ~Intranet_info_user
Password = XXXXX
the entry in /usr/etc/freetds.conf
host =
port = 1433
tds version = 8.0
client charset = ISO-8859-1
the whole traceback:
2007-11-21 06:52:26 ERROR Zope.SiteErrorLog
Traceback (innermost last):
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 115, in publish
Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 41, in call_object
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 311, in __call__
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 348, in _bindAndExec
Module Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate, line 255, in _exec
Module Products.CacheSetup.patch_cmf, line 123, in PT_pt_render
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 238, in __call__
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 281, in interpret
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 749, in do_useMacro
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 281, in interpret
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 457, in do_optTag_tal
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 442, in do_optTag
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 437, in no_tag
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 281, in interpret
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 780, in do_defineSlot
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 281, in interpret
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 457, in do_optTag_tal
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 442, in do_optTag
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 437, in no_tag
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 281, in interpret
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 728, in do_defineMacro
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 281, in interpret
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 772, in do_defineSlot
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 281, in interpret
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 647, in do_insertStructure_tal
Module Products.PageTemplates.TALES, line 221, in evaluate
- URL: /zehnderi/zehnderi/quicklinks/address-library
- Line 17, Column 8
- Expression: standard:'context/show_records_address_form'
- Names:
{'container': <ATFolder at /zehnderi/zehnderi/quicklinks>,
'context': <ATFolder at /zehnderi/zehnderi/quicklinks>,
'default': <Products.PageTemplates.TALES.Default instance at
'here': <ATFolder at /zehnderi/zehnderi/quicklinks>,
'loop': <Products.PageTemplates.TALES.SafeMapping object at
<Products.PageTemplates.ZRPythonExpr._SecureModuleImporter instance at
'nothing': None,
'options': {'args': ()},
'repeat': <Products.PageTemplates.TALES.SafeMapping object at
'request': <HTTPRequest,
'root': <Application at >,
'template': <ZopePageTemplate at
'traverse_subpath': [],
'user': <PropertiedUser 'robert'>}
Module Products.PageTemplates.Expressions, line 185, in __call__
Module Products.PageTemplates.Expressions, line 180, in _eval
Module Products.PageTemplates.Expressions, line 77, in render
Module Products.PageTemplates.ZRPythonExpr, line 76, in call_with_ns
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 325, in __render_with_namespace__
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 348, in _bindAndExec
Module Products.CMFCore.FSPageTemplate, line 195, in _exec
Module Products.CacheSetup.patch_cmf, line 48, in FSPT_pt_render
Module Products.CacheSetup.patch_cmf, line 123, in PT_pt_render
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 238, in __call__
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 281, in interpret
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 507, in do_setLocal_tal
Module Products.PageTemplates.TALES, line 221, in evaluate
- URL: file:ZehnderiData/skins/zehnderi/db/show_records_address_form.pt
- Line 13, Column 4
- Expression: <PythonExpr context.show_records_address(search,
- Names:
{'container': <PloneSite at /zehnderi/zehnderi>,
'context': <ATFolder at /zehnderi/zehnderi/quicklinks>,
'default': <Products.PageTemplates.TALES.Default instance at
'here': <ATFolder at /zehnderi/zehnderi/quicklinks>,
'loop': <Products.PageTemplates.TALES.SafeMapping object at
<Products.PageTemplates.ZRPythonExpr._SecureModuleImporter instance at
'nothing': None,
'options': {'args': ()},
'repeat': <Products.PageTemplates.TALES.SafeMapping object at
'request': <HTTPRequest,
'root': <Application at >,
'template': <FSPageTemplate at
/zehnderi/zehnderi/show_records_address_form used for
'traverse_subpath': [],
'user': <PropertiedUser 'robert'>}
Module Products.PageTemplates.ZRPythonExpr, line 47, in __call__
- __traceback_info__: context.show_records_address(search,
Module Python expression "context.show_records_address(search,
request.get('submitted'))", line 1, in <expression>
Module Products.CMFCore.FSPythonScript, line 108, in __call__
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 311, in __call__
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 348, in _bindAndExec
Module Products.CMFCore.FSPythonScript, line 164, in _exec
Module None, line 13, in show_records_address
- <FSPythonScript at /zehnderi/zehnderi/show_records_address used for
- Line 13
Module Shared.DC.ZRDB.DA, line 494, in __call__
- <SQL at /zehnderi/zehnderi/address used for
Module Products.mxODBCZopeDA.ZopeDA, line 1503, in query
Module Products.mxODBCZopeDA.ZopeDA, line 1400, in run_cursor_callback
Module Products.mxODBCZopeDA.ZopeDA, line 999, in errorhandler
ProgrammingError: ('42000', 2403, "[unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL
Server]WARNING! Some character(s) could not be converted into client's
character set. Unconverted bytes were changed to question marks ('?').",
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 156, in formatLine
supp = factory(*args)
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 156, in formatLine
supp = factory(*args)
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
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