[egenix-users] way to prevent floats from truncating to ints?

Andy Altepeter aaltepet at bethel.edu
Wed Apr 16 16:36:22 CEST 2008


This response is in reference to this message:

I've been working with Nathan.  Regarding Marc's suggestion to:
> Please first try with the latest Oracle ODBC driver from the
> Oracle Full Client (not the Oracle Instance Client)

I've downloaded and installed the oracle full client ( on our RHEL 4 
server. I've installed the complete client, even including the instant client 
option.  But, I don't see that any ODBC drivers were installed.  I'm not sure 
if the unix version of the oracle client even includes ODBC drivers?

We're also using the RHEL 4 rpm for unixodbc, which is unixodbc-2.2.11.

I've tried upgrading from the oracle instantclient rpms to the rpms.  The newer version of the instantclient is apparently not 
supported by the version of unixodbc we have, I get an error about a certain 
function not being found (I don't recall which one it was).

I guess I'm not sure where to go next.

Andy Altepeter
Bethel University

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