[egenix-users] mx.odbc segmentation fault on fetching string

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Tue Jun 3 12:56:24 CEST 2008

We ran our test suite using our release candidate 2 of mxODBC 3.0.2
against FreeTDS 0.82 with unixODBC and iODBC, with SQL Server 2000 and
SQL Server 2005, but could not reproduce the problem you are seeing.

We've uploaded the RC2 to our server. Could you try with that
version ?



On 2008-06-03 11:35, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> On 2008-06-03 11:20, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> On 2008-06-03 02:49, Wouter van Atteveldt wrote:
>>> Dear list,
>>> I am evaluating mx.odbc for connecting to a MS SQL server from my 
>>> Linux machine using freetds 0.82. I can connect and query using isql 
>>> without problem, but I get a segmentation fault if I fetch using the 
>>> mx.odbc interface.
>> isql uses a different, all-strings based access method to the ODBC
>> driver, so it can really only be used to verify that a connection
>> works, not much more.
>> mxODBC always tries to use the best possible access method to
>> avoid frequent copying and conversion of the data.
>>> wva at amcat:~/tmp$ isql -v AmcatDB <UID> <PWD>
>>> +---------------------------------------+
>>> | Connected!
>>> [...]
>>> +---------------------------------------+
>>> SQL> select top 1 projectid, name from projects
>>> [...]
>>> | 1          | test
>>> [...]
>>> SQLRowCount returns 1
>>> 1 rows fetched
>>> wva at amcat:~/tmp$ python testodbc.py
>>> connected to Microsoft SQL Server 08.00.2039
>>> Executed, fetching...
>>> [(1,)]
>>> Executed, fetching...
>>> Segmentation fault
>> Could you send us the core dump of this segfault ? It is most likely
>> a problem in the new FreeTDS ODBC driver. FreeTDS 0.63 works just fine
>> on x64 machines.
> ... and so does version 0.64. We're testing 0.82 now. Did you compile
> FreeTDS against unixODBC or iODBC ?
>> It would be great if you could also provide the table
>> definition and example data that allows us reproducing the
>> error on our servers.
>>> wva at amcat:~/tmp$ cat testodbc.py
>>> import mx.ODBC
>>> db = mx.ODBC.unixODBC.connect("AmcatDB", "<UID>", "<PWD>")
>>> print "connected to %s %s" % (db.dbms_name, db.dbms_version)
>>> c = db.cursor()
>>> c.executedirect("select top 1 projectid from projects")
>>> print "Executed, fetching..."
>>> print c.fetchall()
>>> c.executedirect("select top 1 projectid, name from projects")
>>> print "Executed, fetching..."
>>> print c.fetchall()wva at amcat:~/tmp$ uname -a
>>> Linux amcat 2.6.18-6-amd64 #1 SMP Sun Feb 10 17:50:19 UTC 2008 x86_64
>>> GNU/Linux
>>> wva at amcat:~/tmp$ python -c "import 
>>> sys;print(sys.maxunicode<66000)and'UCS2'or'UCS4'"
>>> UCS4
>>> As you can see, it returns the MS SQL version number so it has some 
>>> contact with the remote db. I installed using 
>>> egenix-mxodbc-3.0.1.linux-x86_64-py2.5_ucs4.prebuilt.zip, which I 
>>> think should be OK as x86_64 == AMD64 (right?). projected is int, 
>>> name is a varchar(255) column, and the table should have a couple 
>>> hundred entries at most.
>>> The relevant etc files:
>>> wva at amcat:~/tmp$ tail -4 /usr/local/freetds/etc/freetds.conf
>>> [amcatdb]
>>>         host = localhost
>>>         port = 1433
>>>         tds version = 8.0
>>> wva at amcat:~/tmp$ cat /etc/odbc.ini
>>> [AmcatDB]
>>> Driver          = FreeTDS
>>> Description             = amcatdb MS SQL Database
>>> Trace           = No
>>> Servername              = amcatdb
>>> Database                = anoko
>>> wva at amcat:~/tmp$ cat /etc/odbcinst.ini
>>> [FreeTDS]
>>> Description             = v0.63 with protocol v8.0
>>> Driver          = /usr/local/freetds/lib/libtdsodbc.so
>>> UsageCount              = 1
>>> Note that I am using an SSH tunnel to connect to the sql server, 
>>> hence the localhost. This does not give trouble using either tsql, 
>>> isql, or python-sybase (on a previous install), so I am not expecting 
>>> this to be the cause of the problem.
>>> Any help greatly appreciated!
>> Thanks,

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Jun 03 2008)
 >>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...        http://www.egenix.com/
 >>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...             http://zope.egenix.com/
 >>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...        http://python.egenix.com/
2008-07-07: EuroPython 2008, Vilnius, Lithuania            33 days to go

:::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,MacOSX for free ! ::::

    eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
     D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
            Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

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