[egenix-users] help making data source on Unix

Tentin Quarantino tentin.quarantino at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 12:28:21 CET 2009


I thought it best to try the mxODBC driver on Windows because the file
I wanted to read/query was from Windows environment. It is a Microsoft
".mdb" file.

The data source string (what's the proper name for this?) which I used
is the following:

driver = 'DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver

I was successful, to query the mdb file: BFDsystem.mdb

However, I need to run this python program on Unix. Is it possible to
read this "mdb" file from Unix host and file system? And if so, what
is the data source config string? I am thinking this will not be
possible due to special sauce on Windows machine.

Cheers and many thanks for advice!

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