Wish list (was Re: [egenix-users] Invalid cursor state)

Charlie Clark charlie at egenix.com
Thu Jul 16 23:32:00 CEST 2009

Am 14.07.2009, 19:24 Uhr, schrieb Charlie Clark <charlie at egenix.com>:

> If we're in wish-list mode, a Zope 3 implementation would be handy as  
> well. All the new code we're developing is Zope 3-style (using browser  
> views and the component architecture), and digging around in the ZODB to  
> pull out a ZSQL method hooked up to an mxODBCZopeDA instance living in  
> content space simply isn't very nice. I'd like to be able to register a  
> database connection as a named utility (configured through ZCML or  
> optionally as a persistent item in the ZODB), and just pass it SQL to  
> execute.


to come back to this. You want something a bit like this:

class DatabaseConnection(Persistent):

registered locally and called as a named utility

db = getUtility(IDatabaseConnection, u"the specific connection")()
db.execute("INSERT (gromit, doodah, wotsit) INTO thingy (?, ?, ?)",  

Charlie Clark

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