[egenix-users] ANN: eGenix pyOpenSSL Distribution 0.8.1-0.9.8j now also for Mac OS X

eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg info at egenix.com
Wed Mar 18 15:35:04 CET 2009



                   eGenix.com pyOpenSSL Distribution

                         Version 0.8.1-0.9.8j

             An easy to install and use repackaged distribution
               of the pyOpenSSL Python interface for OpenSSL -
              available on Windows, Mac OS X and Unix platforms

This announcement is also available on our web-site for online reading:



The eGenix.com pyOpenSSL Distribution includes everything you need to
get started with SSL in Python. It comes with an easy to use installer
that includes the most recent OpenSSL library versions in pre-compiled

pyOpenSSL is an open-source Python add-on (http://pyopenssl.sf.net/)
that allows writing SSL aware networking applications as well as
certificate management tools.

OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of the SSL protocol

For more information, please see the product page:




This new release of the eGenix.com pyOpenSSL Distribution fixes a
serious problem in pyOpenSSL 0.8 related to threaded applications.

The problem causes invalid thread states in the Python interpreter which
then result in random core dumps and seg faults. The patch was provided
by Maxim Sobolev on SourceForge:


Note that this patch has not yet been integrated into upstream

We have also fixed several compiler warnings found in the code. The
version of pyOpenSSL you find in the source release has those patches

Binaries are available for Linux x86 and x64 as well as Windows x86
and Mac OS X PPC/Intel. They include pyOpenSSL and the necessary
OpenSSL libraries.

For Plone users and friends of buildout scripts, we have added
pre-built binaries for Windows. They install just like the Linux
versions and allow easy integration of the archives into buildout



The download archives and instructions for installing the package can
be found at:




Before installing this version of pyOpenSSL, please make sure that
you uninstall any previously installed pyOpenSSL version. Otherwise,
you could end up not using the included OpenSSL libs.



Commercial support for these packages is available from eGenix.com.
Please see


for details about our support offerings.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Mar 18 2009)
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   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
    D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
           Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

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