[egenix-users] mx.ODBC error: Invalid Descriptor Index

Charlie Clark charlie at egenix.com
Thu Apr 15 18:30:06 CEST 2010

Am 15.04.2010, 17:14 Uhr, schrieb Alexandre Fayolle  
<alexandre.fayolle at logilab.fr>:

> Thanks for your detailed answer. I was not aware of the SELECT list  
> limitation
> on parameters. I shall investigate if we can twist the ORM around this  
> to use
> the more efficient method (as what I'm after is speed).

One of the places where we hit the problem was in the SQLa 0.6 mxODBC  
dialect for MS SQL

>> An ODBC trace log would help find out what the ODBC driver
>> is asking for.
> Here's some additional information on this specific bug (the %(name)s  
> quoting
> in the SQL is processed to use the ? style quoting):
> sql: 'UPDATE cw_CWUser SET cw_modification_date =  
> %(cw_modification_date)s,
> cw_last_login_time = %(cw_last_login_time)s WHERE cw_eid = %(cw_eid)s'
> args: {'cw_eid': 5, 'cw_modification_date': datetime.datetime(2010, 4,  
> 15, 16,
> 51, 25, 468000), 'cw_last_login_time': datetime.datetime(2010, 4, 15,  
> 16, 51,
> 25, 453000)}
> Basically, the datetime values are obtained using  
> datetime.datetime.now(). The
> column in the database use MS SQL datetime type.
> As for the ODBC trace log, I could not generate it. I have installed  
> mxODBC and mxBase using MSI installers: do these include the debug  
> support mentioned in the documentation, or do I have to use the ZIP  
> prebuilt packages?

This looks like an incorrect application of the parameters. You *use* ?  
for parameters in this case. You must use string formatting to generate  
your SQL statement for "SELECT ?, ? FROM table" from your first example  
because you are passing variables to a statement and not parameters to the  
database which has already prepared the statement. Anytime you need "now"  
in a statement, get the database to generate it or set the variable to  
timestamp to have it done automatically on change.

There is a bug in the MS SQL driver with the use of parameters in JOINs  
and sub-selects but that is not the case here.

The ODBC trace log is produced by the ODBC driver not by mxODBC.

Charlie Clark

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