[egenix-users] mxODBC Zope DA - simple example ?

Charlie Clark charlie at egenix.com
Sun Apr 25 13:07:22 CEST 2010

Am 25.04.2010, 11:34 Uhr, schrieb Richard Shea <rshea at thecubagroup.com>:

> Hi - More questions ! I have installed mxODBC Zope DA and I have found
> the .zexp at
> http://www.egenix.com/library/presentations/EuroPython2007-Zope-and-RDBMS/
> and have imported it within my plone instance.
> I created a new plone folder, foo, and imported the .zexp within foo. In
> ZMI a folder ACME is now visible within foo. However ACME is not seen as
> content within foo when viewed via Plone.
> What I want initially is just to demonstrate a table being dumped to the
> screen. Within ACME the script ACME/admin/event script looks like an
> ideal example.
> Can anyone tell me what I would need to do to invoke it ?

Hiya Richard,

nice to see someone trying out my sample code!

The problem is that Plone expects "specific content objects" to work with.  
That example was designed to work in any Zope instance so you will be able  
to see it if you call it directly via URL, ie.  

But you might be better off installing ACME in the root Zope folder next  
to Plone. This will let you get familiar with how Zope integrates with  
external data sources. Pretty much everything in ACME can be done in Plone  
but things are slightly different - you add an ACME "skin" to Plone and  
put the contents of ACME in there.

Hope that helps! Things have moved on in the Zope world since 2007 so it  
might be time for us to update this tutorial.

Charlie Clark

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