[egenix-users] pyrun -- adding libraries
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at egenix.com
Mon Feb 4 14:34:08 CET 2013
On 04.02.2013 14:17, John R. Frank wrote:
> Hello eGenix Users,
> Does anyone have any advice about how to overcome this basic installation error with pyrun?
> ~$ ./install-pyrun --platform=linux-i686 pyrun
> Downloading eGenix PyRun ...
> Installing eGenix PyRun ...
> Installing distribute ...
> Failed to install distribute
> ~$ cd pyrun/
> ~/pyrun$ bin/pyrun distribute_setup.py
> bin/pyrun: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No
> such file or directory
> libssl is available on the system, so `python distribute_setup.py` works.
> I'm guessing that it needs ssl for the hashlib python module in the standard library.
The SSL libs are needed for both hashlib and the ssl module
(which is used to e.g. implement HTTPS downloads).
My guess is that either the libssl has a different version on
your system or perhaps just a different name. We're building
pyrun against OpenSSL 1.0.1 at the moment, which uses the
above so-name for the lib.
> My goal is use pyrun to deploy a python program that depends on the lxml python module, which needs
> libxslt.so.1, libexslt.so.0, libxml2.so.2
> These are available on my Ubuntu build system from the debian packages libxml2 and libxslt -- and I
> could rebuild them from source. How does one get PyRun to incorporate such additional libraries, so
> I can then deploy pyrun (and our custom program) to other machines that do not have any of these
> libraries?
Additional libraries can be included in pyrun, but only if the
libs can be statically linked and the Python extensions interfacing
to them support static linking as well.
One of the things we'd like to do is make the configuration of
such things easier. At the moment, this requires digging deep
into the way the pyrun is built.
You have to add a corresponding section for the Python extension
to Runtime/Setup.PyRun-2.7 and the include_list in Runtime/makepyrun.py
> Thanks for any pointers! And if the only way to make progress on this is buying a support ticket,
> someone please tell me that.
This depends on how much work is involved. We generally try to help
people as much as we can without requiring a support ticket, but
there are limits to this, of course.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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